The basic conditions for conducting a photo shoot. 

These terms and conditions are a strong recommendation to read carefully before planning a photo shoot. The following are the basic terms of co-operation that you should consider when planning and carrying out your project photography.

By paying for interior photography you agree to all the terms and conditions described below. 

Условия сотрудничества. Roman Yakunin — interior photographer in Almaty, Kazakhstan

What’s included in the cost?

1. Online consultation on the shooting: determining the duration of the shooting process, creating a shooting script, its beginning and end, designating the optimal number of frames for the project

2. Interior photography: work on the photo-compositions of the project, elaboration of frame details.

3. Demonstration and coordination of the result: demonstration of the finished result through a tablet in real time to the customer or the customer’s representative.

4. Colour correction and retouching: frame cleaning, geometric alignment, framing, colour correction.

5. Delivery of finished files in JPEG format via cloud storage: Cloud storage site File transfer via Yandex Disk or Google Drive on request.

6. Storage of finished files in cloud storage. Storage period: 6 months.

Travel expenses

Travel expenses: flight and hotel accommodation are calculated separately and are not included in the price list.

Условия сотрудничества. Roman Yakunin — interior photographer in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Условия сотрудничества. Roman Yakunin — interior photographer in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Условия сотрудничества. Roman Yakunin — interior photographer in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Условия сотрудничества. Roman Yakunin — interior photographer in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Pre-production — подготовка к съёмке

Залогом успешной съёмки кроется в подготовке.
Фотосъёмка проектов проводится только при основательной подготовке:

1. Предварительное обсуждение — совместное обозначение задач съёмки, сценария работ, обсуждения сроков съёмки и обработки получившегося фотоматериала, перерывы в процессе, лицензирование фотоматериала и т. д.
2. Договор — подготовка и заключение договора оказания услуг
3. Подготовка локации — клининг проекта, подбор и трансфер декора на съёмочную локацию, декорирование проекта

Licence to use photographs:

Images are provided with a standard licence for use for self-promotion purposes: use in social networks, internet, use in portfolios, presentations within the company, presentations to partners, sending works to awards, contests, nominations, international and local media. 

Indication of authorship of photos is a mandatory point in the terms of co-operation, regardless of the area of their use. 

Transfer of photos to the customer under standard conditions is not a transfer of exclusive property rights to the work.

In case you require other terms of work, for example, you want to acquire the exclusive right to possess frames with the transfer of exclusive property rights - contact us. 

Capturing additional footage

During the filming process it may be necessary to take additional shots to show a more complete picture of the project. The shots are made with the customer’s consent and are paid separately at the end of the filming process. 

The cost of additional shots is calculated in accordance with the price list.

Communicating finished photos to project partners and contractors. 

If you plan to share the photos of the project with those involved in it, please inform us in advance, at the stage of discussing the project. 

The planned scope and use of the results of our work by your partners may significantly affect the terms of the project. 

More than one person is working on the photographs and therefore the fate of our images is important to us. We welcome the rightful use of our images.


The most common questions about interior photography:


Payment is made by the following methods: remotely on the mobile application of the bank of the individual, through the accounting office or cash.

To book the date of the shoot, prepayment will be 100% of the cost of the shoot.

Postponements and cancellations.

Postponement of the shoot. In case you have already made an advance payment and then decided to change the dates of the shoot — you have the opportunity to make 1 postponement of the date, notifying me about the postponement in advance, at least 14 calendar days in advance. 

In case of absence of advance warning about postponement of the shoot — the full amount of advance payment is non-refundable. Cancellation of the shoot. If the scheduled shoot is cancelled after the advance payment has been made, no refund will be given.

When do you get a ready result?

The standard deadline for delivery of works is 1 calendar month. This applies to all offers described in the price lists for filming residential and commercial projects. 

In case of working on large projects the deadline can be increased, it is discussed individually. We always work to deliver the material earlier, but without compromising the quality of the footage. 

Styling and decor

If you want your shoot to be professionally filled with the right elements, décor and textiles — contact me and I will recommend professional interior stylists to help enhance your shoot.

Geography of work

My main geography of work is Almaty and Astana. I am open to proposals from other cities and regions of Kazakhstan and to projects in other countries. 

Any questions?



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